Welcome from the Executive DirectorFLCRC has been providing services to students and families in Fort Bend County for nearly a decade. Our work began in the rural areas of Richmond and Rosenberg with our signature event, the Annual Back-2-School Parent Chat. Thousands have participated with this community outreach event over the years. On August 5th, we hosted the 17th Annual Back-2-School Parent Chat to over 500 students and parents. In mid-August, we were deeply saddened by the loss of our Youth Ambassador Leadership Education (Y.A.L.E.) student, Dakota Merriweather. FLCRC will honor Dakota’s memory by providing a scholarship in recognition of her contributions and support for FLCRC. Our Scholarships and Awards application is open, and the Dakota Merriweather Scholarship will be provided to an outstanding 2022 graduating high school senior. On September 24th, our Y.A.L.E. students were a favorite at the Fort Bend County Parade. After being cancelled in 2020, the Y.A.L.E. students were eager to do their part and support the County Parade and Fort Bend County Fair. FLCRC’s Mardi Gras float was a colorful attraction for students and parents. The Y.A.L.E. students had a blast at the Fair! FLCRC is well on the way to moving into the new building and we need your help to achieve our Capital Campaign goal to raise $125,000. On December 2nd, we will host our Annual Banquet and hope you will join us. Please visit our website to purchase tickets and shop our silent auction items for your holiday gifts. Sincerely, Ilene Harper, Ph.D. |
Honoring Dakota: FLCRC Announces the Dakota Merriweather ScholarshipFLCRC suffered the great loss of our former Y.A.L.E. leader and dedicated staff member, Dakota Merriweather, in August. Dakota’s beautiful spirit and bright smile lit up our lives and brought joy to all who encountered her. A talented dancer, athlete, active community member, driven entrepreneur and 3rd year student at Texas Southern University, her many gifts were evident. Her passion for learning, art, beauty and life impacted each person she knew. In the words of her sister, Terri, “Dakota made me feel like I was important to her and she always was willing to help me anyway that she could.” We will greatly miss Dakota and share our deepest condolences with the Merriweather Family. As we mourn her loss, FLCRC is honored to celebrate Dakota’s life and continue her legacy through the Dakota Merriweather Scholarship. Dakota freely gave of her time and energy while pursuing her college dreams at Texas Southern University. In that spirit, each year the scholarship will go to a high school student with outstanding character and service to the community. To learn more about the Dakota Merriweather scholarship or to apply by October 31st, visit FamilyLifeCRC.org/scholarships-and-awards/dakota-merriweather-scholarship. |
Back-2-School Parent Chat Helps Students and Families Kick-Off the School YearFor a seventeenth successful year, FLCRC conducted our Parent Chat sessions, helping over 500 students, parents and educators prepare for the 2021-2022 school year. These sessions continue to be a valuable source of support and information for the families in our community, especially in light of the educational challenges they are facing with the current pandemic. Virtual sessions were held July 26th though August 4th, followed by a curbside pickup where we distributed 330 free backpacks with school supplies. Thank you to our staff, Y.A.L.E. leaders and attendees for making this another great event. We wish everyone a fantastic school year! Boost Your Learning
Fort Bend County Fair and ParadeOn September 24th, our youth leaders and staff proudly represented FLCRC at the 85th Annual Fort Bend County parade with a Mardi Gras-themed float. Afterwards, they enjoyed a fun day together at the Fair while sporting confetti-covered, yellow, green and purple FLCRC t-shirts. Many thanks to all who participated and helped spread the word about our important presence in the community! |
Announcements & Upcoming Events