Victim Intervention Program Services (VIPS)

FLCRC staff and volunteers provide free, confidential, and comprehensive services to victims of a crime. The VIPS staff consists of certified and licensed mental health professionals with a wide range of expertise. Utilizing a case management process, FLCRC enhance accessibility to services, coordinate and connect victims with resources, and implement advocacy assistance to victims and their families. FLCRC strive to connect victims with a positive environment and effective program experiences by providing short-term or yearlong support.

As a crime victim, you have rights (Crime Victims’ Rights Act) and you may be eligible for certain payments and reimbursements of crime-related costs (Eli­gi­bil­i­ty for Crime Vic­tims’ Com­pen­sa­tion Program).

Finding Your GRIT Program

FLCRC’s Finding Your Grit program motivate and assist student victims with healing through action. We support youth crime victims who are experiencing the negative impacts of victimization. FLCRC provides a holistic approach by working through barriers to assist young crime victims when the schools are closed. Weekends, holidays and the long summer months are targeted times that we connect with our youth crime victims. Our aim is to reduce family violence and violence against youth through outreach, advocacy, and empowerment.

Need to speak with an FLCRC Staff Member or Counselor?

Call us at 1-888-337-1411, or send us your information using the form below and we will contact you within 24-48 hours.


© 2025 Family Life and Community Resource Center